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Powder Mill Snowmobile Clubs operates two groomers that cover over 90 miles of trails. Our trails are known to offer some of the best riding in Southern New Hampshire. 

Video by Ginny Lea Real Estate Photography

For the most recent trail conditions, please check out  our

Facebook Page.


We’ve been working to get many trails laid flat before today’s warm up as possible. The hope is people stay off while temps are above freezing, with the end goal of a nice frozen base when temps drop again.

Groomers have been out doing some work. Neighboring clubs are also opening up as well. If a gate is closed, please don’t go around it. Conditions can vary greatly in a short distance, trails won’t hold up to fast riding, expect thin areas more as traffic increases. Parking lots are plowed.

Photo is from 2/1/25

We are slowly opening up our system at this time. If you come across a closed gate, consider the trail closed, with the exception of the Farmington/Rochester Rail trail (use the gate bypass till we get them open). Conditions are marginal to good, the higher the elevation the better it gets. Parking lots are getting plowed out, so give us a bit to get them taken care of. We will keep you updated on progress.

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