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Powder Mill Snowmobile Clubs operates two groomers that cover over 90 miles of trails. Our trails are known to offer some of the best riding in Southern New Hampshire. 

Video by Ginny Lea Real Estate Photography

For the most recent trail conditions, please check out  our

Facebook Page.


On the heals of yesterday’s Winter Carnival success, I have some not so great news to share. Should the storms predicted bring enough snow to ride next weekend, the Sunrise Lake access will be CLOSED. This was NOT a decision by the landowner, but by the Sunrise Lake Village District Commission who has an easement on the property for the dam. Some one decided it was a good idea to ride over the concrete structure of the dam, and evidently this has been going on for a while, and those there to protect the dam have seen enough. This is not the only issue along the Sunrise Lake trail that we have had brought to our attention this year, we have had several reports of people turning around in landowner’s yards and of people hanging out in yards and not moving along when asked to. At this point in the season, the club is not going to push that matter. We will do some research and work with those involved to find a solution on the off season. This is most definitely a situation where the few ruined it for the many. If you have any information in regards to who rode over the dam, please contact the club via email at

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