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Powder Mill Snowmobile Clubs operates two groomers that cover over 90 miles of trails. Our trails are known to offer some of the best riding in Southern New Hampshire. 

Video by Ginny Lea Real Estate Photography

For the most recent trail conditions, please check out  our

Facebook Page.


Northern trails - fair to good 4 to 8 inch base

C 22 and Tree Farm Trail - mostly good, side trails - some exposed rocks, 100 % groomed Southern trails - fair, some grooming on going where reasonable, very little base

3 inches new snow

Verdict is in, conditions in our system are poor. Most of the system received less than 6” of snow. Places where there was some base left are good, but those are few and far between. Some people were reported to have left from Johnson’s to only turn around within a couple miles. Hopefully these showers in this weekend’s forecast amount to something, as it wont take much from here to get us going.

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

This is a reminder that, except for the class VI roads in the Devils Den area, our trails are NOT open to ATV use. Currently PD and F&G are tracking down a couple ATVs reported by a landowner to have come up from the Rochester area, headed into New Durham.

Update: they made it as far as Moose Mt, presumed to have started in Farmington.

If you saw or know anything please contact us or

NH Fish and Game Law Enforcement Division and Operation Game Thief

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