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Powder Mill Snowmobile Clubs operates two groomers that cover over 90 miles of trails. Our trails are known to offer some of the best riding in Southern New Hampshire. 

Video by Ginny Lea Real Estate Photography

For the most recent trail conditions, please check out  our

Facebook Page.

  • Powder Mill Snowmobile Club, New Durham: OPEN (80%), Lower elevation groomed. Moderate spring like conditions with 5” new snow with 3” base. Upper elevation- Corridor 22 and the Den area groomed with moderate to good conditions with 12” new snow with 6” base. NOTE: Corridor 22 from Johnsons (Rt. 11) to Alton is CLOSED due to water. CAUTION: no ice is safe.

  • Rochester to Farmington Recreational Rail Trail: OPEN. 5" new snow, moderate trail conditions, low snow, groomed

  • Three groomers out last two nights 70% groomed

This snow is just what we needed. Groomers will be heading out later tonight, once temperatures drop to ensure things freeze behind them. There is still plenty of water in areas, including the parking lots. Better riding tomorrow if you can wait.

  • Powder Mill SC, New Durham: OPEN (75%), upper elevation trails groomed, lower elevation not groomed. Moderate to Marginal conditions with 1” new snow on 4” base. Corridor 22 and the Den area groomed with moderate conditions. Primary Trail 352 not groomed with marginal conditions. NOTE: Corridor 22 from Johnssons to Alton is CLOSED due to water. CAUTION: no ice is safe.

  • Rochester to Farmington Recreational Rail Trail: OPEN. Marginal trail conditions, low snow, not groomed.

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