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Powder Mill Snowmobile Clubs operates two groomers that cover over 90 miles of trails. Our trails are known to offer some of the best riding in Southern New Hampshire. 

Video by Ginny Lea Real Estate Photography

For the most recent trail conditions, please check out  our

Facebook Page.


Powder Mill Trails are 75% open and 40% groomed. Upper elevation trails (Corridor 22, Camp Pride, Devel’s Den) moderate with good sections groomed. Lower elevations (Primary Trail 352, Tree Farm) marginal, ungroomed, not recommended, but open. Some open water bars, and areas of low snow. Corridor 22 from Johnson's to Alton closed due to water.

My best guess...

Marginal riding along Rte. 11 to Bracket Road and Middleton Road.

Upper elevation by the warming hut is moderate with a little marginal. Groomed 20 miles last night.

Fish and Game to Moose Mountain and Corridor 22 to Alton closed.

Though the conditions might not be ideal, trails on the northern side of the PMSC system will be open for the weekend.

Our “meet the groomer” event is a go for Saturday, 10-4 and Johnson’s Seafood and Steak, New Durham. We will be joined by several powersports dealers, auto dealers, and other groomer sponsors. The club will be kicking off its annual raffle, will have a 50/50 raffle for the day, and will have club merchandise on hand.

Parking will get tight quickly, so the Town of New Durham has allowed us to use the town’s rec fields for additional truck/trailer parking. This parking area is located on Smittys Way, New Durham.

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