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Contact US
Club Officers are here to serve you and answer questions as best we can. We are dedicated to serving our members and appreciate your support.
To contact us, please utilize the form below.
IF PURCHASING AN ITEM FROM OUR STORE PAGE Please be sure to let us know amount, size and color where applicable.
President: Nick Bickford
Vice President: Chris Fela
Past President and Board Member: George Paver
Trail Administrator: Bob Bickford
Trail Master: Mike Gelinas
Trail Master: Stu Hotchkiss
Trail Master: Chris Bolia
Membership Director: Deb McLaughlin
Secretary: Ginny Abresch
Treasurer: Deb McLaughlin
Safety Coordinator: Jim Matthew
Member At Large: John Michaud
Alternate #1: Nick Milonoupolos
Alternate #2: Jay St. Lawrence

Powder Mill Snowmobile Club
P.O. Box 324
New Durham, NH 03855
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