It has definitely been a season for the books. We were one of the few clubs in the state to open our trails for riding briefly in December 2020 after an early snowfall. When snow returned in February we were all ready to enjoy our trails again.
While our volunteers get around the area to close the gates, we want to remind everyone that an open gate is not an invite to drive your vehicle up the trail. As one person has already learned, doing so comes with a hefty tow bill and a fine.
As things do wind down, and directors turn to planning for next season, we’d like to highlight a few things from this season:
-1 new bridge built and 1 replaced
-A majority of Corr 22 and the Tree Farm Trail received a major facelift thanks to Mike, Russ, and their crew of dedicated volunteers
-A major and unexpected reroute was completed thanks to Carl’s relentless efforts and a fundraising campaign that raised over $5,000 in just 16 days
-We saw a huge increase in volunteers, which included over 600 man-hours in a three-day period
-We certified several new groomer operators
-Our winter carnival at Johnsons included three new dealers
-The 2nd Annual Ray Gamble Poker Run had a 50% increase in participation
-we had our first club ride in a long time thanks to the persistence of Ginny
-Our annual raffle saw yet another record year thanks to our donors and Jay’s commitment to this fundraiser
-We used around 80% of our allotted GIA grooming hours with only a few minor mechanical issues
-Our membership grew by roughly 30%
Thank all of you for your continued support, as it’s the users’ dollars, volunteers, and many landowners that make these trails possible.
We look forward to what next year brings; rumors are a new trail, 20 or so years in the making, might finally come to reality, stay tuned!